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Book Chapters


Alarcón, Ximena (2022). “Breathing (as Listening): An Emotional Bridge for Telepresence” in The Body in Sound, Music and Performance. Edited by Linda O Keeffe and Isabel Nogueira. Routledge. Taylor and Francis.


Alarcón, Ximena (2020). "INTIMAL", in Formas de resistencia: Siete experiencias de escuchas y denuncia en las prácticas artisticas. Editoras: Luz Maria Sánchez, Ana Paula Sánchez. México: Universidad Autonoma Metroplitana, Juan Pablos Editor, 2020. First Edition. Paperback. ISBN: 9786072818972
The book compiles seven Latin American experiences on the incidence of artistic practices in the context of extreme violence in Mexico, Colombia and Chile.


Alarcón, Ximena (2016). "Sonic Migrations: Listening in-between, sensing place" , in Environmental Sound Artists. In their Own Words. Edited by Frederick Bianchi and V.J. Manzo. Published by Oxford University Press: New York


Alarcón, Ximena (2015). "Telematic Embodiments: improvising via Internet in the context of migration" (including two sound files from 'Migratory Dreams' telematic performance), in Vs. Interpretation: An Anthology on Improvisation Vol.1, Edited by David Rothenberg, published by Agosto Foundation: Prague, June 2015


Doctoral Thesis


Alarcón, Ximena (2007). "An Interactive Sonic Environment derived from commuters' memories of the soundscape: a case study of the London Underground." PhD Thesis. De Montfort University: Leicester.


This Thesis has been selected as part of LABS database that includes abstracts of Ph.d, Masters and MFA theses in the emerging intersection between art, science and technology.


Peer Reviewed Papers


Alarcón Díaz, Ximena (2023). "Networks of (tele)presence: tuning in to the environment through the INTIMAL App©". Array. Journal of the International Computing Music Association. 2023: ARRAY2023 – Flux. Computer Music in the Anthropocene


Alarcón Díaz, Ximena and Ed McKeon (2023). "Migration and Listening: Political Life in Motion". Journal of Sonic Studies. Issue 24


Alarcón Díaz, Ximena. "Sonic Proximities: Locating Oneself and the Others Within a “Migratory Journey”." Journal of Network Music and Arts 4, 1 (2022).


Ximena Alarcón, “Embodied Sonic Memories of Commuting Underground,” IA: The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology 43, nos. 1 and 2 (2017): 81–92.


Alarcon Diaz, Ximena and Alexander Refsum Jensenius (2019). “Ellos no están entendiendo nada” [“They are not understanding anything”]: embodied remembering as complex narrative in a Telematic Sonic Improvisation. BCS Learning and Development Ltd. Proceedings of RE:SOUND 2019.


Alarcon Diaz, Ximena, Paul Boddie, Cagri Erdem, Eigil Aandahl, Elias Sukken Andersen, Eirik Dahl, Mari Lesteberg, and Alexander Refsum Jensenius. "Sensing Place and Presence in an INTIMAL Long-Distance Improvisation." Journal of Network Music and Arts 1, 1 (2019).


Alarcón Diaz, Ximena; Lopez Bojórquez, Lucia Nikolaia; Lartillot, Olivier & Flamtermesky, Helga (2019). From collecting an archive to artistic practice in the INTIMAL project: lessons learned from listening to a Colombian migrant women’s oral history archive. Acervo. Revista do Arquivo Nacional. ISSN 0102-700X. 32(3), s 48- 63


Alarcón Díaz, Ximena; Gonzalez Sanchez, Victor Evaristo; Erdem, Cagri. (2019). “INTIMAL: Walking to feel place, breathing to feel presence”. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2019


Alarcon, Ximena (2019). "Conceptual design for INTIMAL: a physical/virtual embodied system for Relational Listening". Somaesthetics and Technology. Journal of Somaesthetics Vol 4 No 2, March 2019


Alarcon, Ximena (2018). “Memorias sonoras que acumula el cuerpo al viajar por debajo de la tierra”. Resonancias: Revista de Investigación Musical. Vol 22, No 42, enero - julio 2018, pp. 151-168.


Alarcon, Ximena (2017). "On Dis-location: Listening and Re-composing with Others". Reflections on Process in Sound. Issue 5 Autumn 2017. pp 24-37.


Alarcon, Ximena (2017) "Bajo la tierra: escucha porosa de modernidad en el metro de México". Revista de Arte Sonoro y Cultura Aural (3). pp. 33-39.


Alarcón, Ximena (2017). "A taxonomy for Listening and Performing ‘in-between’ migratory spaces using mobile apps" , in WI Journal of Mobile Media, "Mobile Making" Issue, 2017: VOL. 11 NO. 1. Edited by Samuel Thulin. Published by Mobile Digital Commons Network (MDCN) in the Mobile Media Lab: Montreal & Toronto.


Alarcón, Ximena & Herrema, Ron (2017). "Pauline Oliveros: A Shared Resonance" , in Organised Sound,Vol 22 Issue DOI.


Alarcón, Ximena (2017). "Suelo Fértil: a telematic platform for migrant women [Audio-Essay]". Presented in the Panel "Cultures and Listening" in "FOOT2017, an inner ear of performance" Festival. Toronto - Canada. February 5th, 2017.


Alarcón, Ximena (2016). "Tuning the Interface for Relational Listening" , in Proceedings International Conference in Live Interfaces 2016. Edited by Thor Magnusson, Chris Kiefer, and Sam Duffy. Published by Emute Lab, University of Sussex & REFRAME: Brighton


Alarcón, Ximena (2014). "Networked Migrations: listening to and performing the in-between space”, Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies Vol. 10, No. 1, May 2014


Alarcón, Ximena (2013). “Creating Sounding Underground”, in Digital Creativity Journal Vol. 24, No. 3, 01 Sep 2013. Pages: 252-258 DOI: 10.1080/14626268.2013.813380


Alarcón, Ximena & Amado Inês (2013) "A virtual conversation between two artists" in Only connect ... discovery pathways, library explorations, and the information adventure. Innovative Libraries


Alarcón, Ximena (2011). "Listening and Remembering: Networked off-line improvisation for four commuters" in CITAR Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, Revista de Ciência e Tecnologias das Artes. Issue 3, Autumn 2011. Portuguese Catholic University:Porto


Alarcón, Ximena (2011). "Sounding Underground: Listening, performing and transforming the commuting experience". Sensate Journal. A Journal for experiments in critical media. [on-line publication]. Incubated at the Sensory Ethnography and MetaLab (at) Harvard.


Alarcón, Ximena (2011). "Creating an Interactive Sonic Environment", in Journal of the IAWM International Alliance for Women in Music. Volume 17 No 2. Cheetah Graphics: Sevierville, TN


Published Scores


Alarcón-Díaz, Ximena (2022) Three Rituals in Sonic Migrations in e-journal no 2 Rallying The Commons, performingborders.


Alarcón, Ximena (2022) "Multisueño" in A Year of Deep Listening, Day 215 of 365, The Center for Deep Listening.


Alarcón, Ximena (2022) "Dreaming with Flowers while awake" in A Year of Deep Listening, Day 84 of 365, The Center for Deep Listening.


Alarcón, Ximena (2021) "Day to Night" in Small Silence, Read by Beth Winslet. For NHS patients in Reading, UK.


Alarcón, Ximena (2017) "Secreto a Voces [An Open Secret]" in Still Listening, Pauline Oliveros McGill University.


Alarcón, Ximena (2011) “Roots” Text score in Deep Listening Anthology, Deep Listening Publications, Vol 2


Creative Writing

Alarcón, Ximena (2018). "Suelo Fertil: anew born", Essay in Spell Breaking: Listening from the Dreaming Heart, Edited by IONE, Deep Listening Publications 2018


Alarcón, Ximena (2013). "You are Naked!", Essay in Spell Breaking: Remembered Ways of Being, Edited by IONE, Deep Listening Publications 2013


Magazine Publications


Alarcón, Ximena (2022). ¿â€‹Es Deep Listening® relacional?. Positionen. November 2022. 


Alarcón, Ximena (2021). "Listening to my own and migratory voice". This is a guest blog post in connection with Voice and Listening: Techniques for Political Life.


INTIMAL Collective (2021). INTIMAL: Relational listening that unknowingly prepared us for the COVID-19 pandemic. Editors: Ximena Alarcón, Ana María Alarcón-Jimenez, Liliana Rodríguez. In Routed, Migration and (In)Mobility Magazine. Issue # 15. 23 June 2021


Alarcón, Ximena (2020).Telematic Sonic Performance. Guest Editor. The Sampler. Sound and Music.


Alarcón, Ximena (2015).'Networked Migrations' feature in Artist Impressions, in Zine 'Courageous Creativity, Creative Listening', Edited by Shahana Dattagupta and Shirin Subhani. Flying Chickadee. Feb 2015


Alarcón, Ximena (2015). Reseña "Sueños Migratorios" en publicación digital Plataforma Habitarte, Arquitectura, Diseño y Cultura. Fundación Habitarte.


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